After having discovered the Arduino and before attacking the network extension I wanted to create something fun with the board and the 8 by 8 LED tile.
So I came with the idea of using one old school plasma effect of ArKaos VJ and porting it to the Arduino.
Here is the result:
Basically there are 2 textures pre-computed at startup. They are moved on a circular motion.
The 2 textures are moved and summed and you obtain an height value for each pixel. To get a nice effect you then go through a color table that is also pre-computed at startup.
To have a nice rotation effect you shift the color table at each generation of a new image.
At the end of the video you have another simple loop I did to test my setup.
Here is the plasma code for the Arduino:
// Plasma generation for the Arduino and a RGB Serial Backpack Matrix from SparkFun Electronics
// Marco Hinic, built on top of the code of Ryan Owens
//Define the SPI Pin Numbers
#define DATAOUT 11//MOSI
#define DATAIN 12//MISO
#define SPICLOCK 13//sck
#define SLAVESELECT 10//ss
void LED_Setup()
//SPI Bus setup
SPCR = (1<
// 16 by 16 -> 256 bytes
// color table 256 bytes
#define PLASMA_W 8
#define PLASMA_H 8
#define TABLE_W 16
#define TABLE_H 16
unsigned char gPlasma[PLASMA_W*PLASMA_H];
unsigned char gTable1[TABLE_W*TABLE_H];
unsigned char gTable2[TABLE_W*TABLE_H];
unsigned char gColorTable[256];
float gCircle1, gCircle2, gCircle3, gCircle4, gCircle5, gCircle6, gCircle7, gCircle8;
int gRoll;
void Plasma_CalcTable1 ()
for (int i=0; i< TABLE_H; i++)
for (int j=0; j< TABLE_W; j++)
int index = (i*TABLE_W)+j;
gTable1[index] = (unsigned char) ((sqrt(16.0+(PLASMA_H-i)*(PLASMA_H-i)+(PLASMA_W-j)*(PLASMA_W-j))-4) *5 );
void Plasma_CalcTable2 ()
for (int i=0; i< TABLE_H; i++)
for (int j=0; j< TABLE_W; j++)
int index = (i*TABLE_W)+j;
float temp = sqrt(16.0+(PLASMA_H-i)*(PLASMA_H-i)+(PLASMA_W-j)*(PLASMA_W-j))-4;
gTable2[index] = (sin(temp/9.5)+1)*90;
void Plasma_SetColor (int index, unsigned char red, unsigned char green, unsigned char blue)
unsigned char new_color = (red & 0xE0) + ((green & 0xE0) >> 3) + ((blue & 0xC0) >> 6);
gColorTable [index] = new_color;
double gRed, gGreen, gBlue;
#define color(u,a) (cos((u)+(a))+1)*127
void BuildColorTable()
double u;
int i;
for (i=0; i<256; i++)
void Plasma_Setup ()
gCircle1 = 0;
gCircle2 = 0;
gCircle3 = 0;
gCircle4 = 0;
gCircle5 = 0;
gCircle6 = 0;
gCircle7 = 0;
gCircle8 = 0;
gRoll = 0;
for (int i=0; i