Quartz Composer integration in GrandVJ 1.2

Quartz Composer can be used in GrandVJ as .qtz files, we render them natively through the fastest interface. Before GrandVJ 1.2 you needed to save them as QuickTime movies, this had 2 big drawbacks, it was slow and it did not allow to change compositions variables.

With the Quartz Composer integration we have a fast rendering path and compositions can be used both as sources and effects.

When a composition is used as a source you simply import it the same way than any movie, you drag and drop it over the interface or use the file browser. When a composition is used as a source you cannot change any composition variables from the GrandVJ interface.

A composition can also be used as an effect. We scan automatically the system folder “/System/Library/Compositions” and register the ones that can be supported by the application, you find them under the “Quartz-Composer (System)” section in the effects. You can use them as source to develop new effects.

GrandVJ Mac OS X supported compositions
GrandVJ Mac OS X supported compositions

When using a composition as an effect the application scan the published inputs and map them as effect parameter when the format is compatible with the engine. We map parameters that are float values, indexes, colors and booleans. One visual input of the composition receive the assigned cell visual.

We also load user created compositions in the effect section, to do that you must place them in the local directory “Libray/Application Support/ArKaos/GrandVJ/Quartz Composer/Effects”

Here is where are my user test compositions:

GrandVJ user compositions
GrandVJ user compositions

They will appear in the “Quartz-Composer (User)” section of the effect browser:

GrandVJ user composition browser
GrandVJ user composition browser

Regarding the effect parameters if we start from the system composition “/System/Library/Compositions/Image Hose.qtz”, when we open it in the editor we see:

Image Hose system composition
Image Hose system composition

And if we display the inspector and ask to see the published inputs / outputs we can see those parameters:

Image Hose system composition parameters
Image Hose system composition parameters

GrandVJ will show the first 4 parameters that can be mapped automatically and in this case it will be:

Quartz composition parameters in GrandVJ
Quartz composition parameters in GrandVJ

You can see that GrandVJ try to extract the meaningful part of the parameter name, so it remove all _ProtocolInput strings from parameter names. Not doing that would make it impossible to display the full name in the panel. GrandVJ also capitalize the first letter of a parameter, so “size” become “Size”.

And finally if you want to have compositions in the visual sources we ship a few in the “Libray/Application Support/ArKaos/GrandVJ/Quartz Composer/Visuals”, the idea is that you can add more files in this place.

Here is where are my user sources compositions:

user source compositions

user source compositions

If you need you can generate the icon of the visual by have a picture like “confetti.png” in the same folder than “confetti.qtz”

And here is where you find them in GrandVJ:

User compositions panel

User compositions panel

Music video – Quinte de tout

I was contacted 2 weeks ago by Bjornoya – The music is composed by Jean-Louis DE BACKER. He is a Mac fan since ever and he was my chemistry teacher back when I was in my secondary school! Since then we are meeting regularly every few years, we even had a common development on the Mac 10 years ago.

His music is electronic and repetitive, made of floating pattern; it’s definitively something that I like to listen.

So as soon as he contacted me I realized that I had in my video vault a few loops that are matching the music so I proposed him to visualize one of his tracks.

Here is the result, hope you like it:

Video is in HD, if your machine is fast enough be sure to select high quality.

The source material has been shot in Belgium, Poland, Nevada and California.


Remembering them…

November 1st is the day used to remember those who counted for you.

In my case it’s my parents, on this occasion I want to share a few pictures of them, I am sure it will please peoples who knew them and spent some good time together.

Djura & Darinka

Djura & Darinka

My father left Yugoslavia during world war 2 and he ended in Belgium meeting my mother. On this cool picture they just started living together.

Here is another cool picture with my mother when we were visiting Slovenia

Marco Darinka

Marco Darinka

It’s a mountain area, the alps, and I have ton’s of cool remembering visiting peoples there and running into the beautiful nature.

Here is a more recent picture, even if indeed old, of me with my parents:

Djura Marco Darinka

Djura Marco Darinka

My father gave me the love of being curious and autodidact. I remember he built himself our first black and white television set. I was so fascinated by the machine; I could not understand how it was possible to have all those peoples inside that box! Hopefully the television was needing service regularly and so I could watch what was inside of the box, but it was always such a deception, it was all dark inside, full of dusts and small vacuum tubes … This indeed led me to become and engineer and in the end I spend my life creating software to create real-time visuals … so I can say I realized the quest of my life 🙂

I lost my father a long time ago and he never knew that I would create my project and my company, I wander from time to time what he would have think about having a son doing my job. Maybe he would have been fascinated and would be curious to know how a computer program can create such effects!

My mother was still alive until a few years so she got to know my company and project. She taught me to be patient and to avoid judging peoples. She was so tolerant and full of love for all my weird behavior I still feel ashamed for what I did 🙂 I was a kid full of energy and weird ideas and she never lost patience!

Pierre Soulages exhibition at Beaubourg / Paris

This week I had the chance to stop at Beaubourg in Paris, There the “Centre Pompidou” is putting on a retrospective of Pierre Soulages. He is called the “painter of black and light”.

It’s fascinating to see what emotions those paintings can create just by using black. Black is not even a color right ? We live in a world where we are constantly subject to complex messages, I was attracted by the simplicity and emotions of the paintings.

Pierre Soulages

Pierre Soulages

Of course the monumental size of the works and the place itself present the artist on it’s best light. Princess was with me and she did not like the exhibition at all. “The work is too cold and frightening” she was saying, she was walking too fast indeed, as she was afraid an alien could escape from a painting, maybe it could have happen. I was joking with her and I was saying that I would like to have one of his paintings in my office, she did not like it, and as she was telling that she was walking even faster. Indeed I was not joking, when you are developer you need to simplify things a lot to get to the essential, the work of Pierre Soulages get me to that feeling.

The exhibition start with the early works, where he was still searching, he was struggling with huge black lines, maybe trying to make them say something impossible. Then suddenly he started to paint entirely the surface with black and it’s there that it’s becoming interesting.

I wonder what king of music Pierre Soulages is listening, too me it goes with the Bach partitas but the ambient work of Biosphere fit also perfectly.

At the end of the exhibition was written a question, “Why black ?”, the reply was too simple but right: “Because”…

If you have a few hour to spend in Paris the exhibition will last until the 8 march of 2010.

An application to create time lapse: Lapseler



After a few months of tweaking the code I released today Lapseler.

Lapselser is an application that can take pictures from any QuickTime supported devices and compile them in a movie.

Because the compression library is from FFmpeg it can generate QuickTime files but also flash videos.

The motivation to work on this application is both that I am interested into time lapse since I saw Koyaanisqatsi many years ago and I am learning several interfaces of Mac OS X / cocoa right now.

Lapseler is available on my web site:
Leave me a note if you make some use of it.

The app is completely free and has no limitation, so you can use it to make cool videos for whatever purpose.